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Healthy life style Kos Kids

YOU should be increasingly concerned with health when he decided to live far from family. Therefore, you should spend some time in self-reliance. Indeed that is what must be considered boarding school boys, either college or work in the city away from family.Health often are bottom boarding children. In fact, health is an absolute must for anyone.You must have good nutrition and running an independent life again prime.Not hard to implement a healthy lifestyle as a boarding school boys. Here are some tips:1. Choose the boarding house is clean and gets the sunChoosing a boarding house is the first thing you need to prepare. Because you'll live a long time, then you must choose a healthy boarding house.Choose the boarding house is clean. See how the owner treats waste boarding. Is the place clean of trash? Note also the ventilation and the bedroom window! A healthy dorm room is a room that has air vents and a sunlit window.Why is it necessary? Because you need to get enough oxygen and fresh air flowing. The rooms are musty and damp unhealthy place to live in a long time.So you will be healthier when waking up and getting fresh air and sunshine when you open the bedroom window.2. Choose healthy foodsInstant noodles is the most unhealthy friend of boarding school boys. This is a little sad because the majority of children boarding in Indonesia always provides a stock of instant noodles as a delaying hunger with practical reason.The average child in Indonesia admitted boarders eat instant noodles, 3 to 5 servings per week. Sadder because instant noodles are mixed with the processed meats that contain lots of preservatives and salt such as corned beef or sausage.Want more healthy but not too much trouble? Hmm ... try to replace it with instant noodles oatmeal, make it equally practical with instant noodles, better nutritional content, more fiber, and certainly does not contain MSG.Want to feel better? Give pieces of fresh fruit and brewed with hot liquid milk. You can also mix with raisins, almonds or scrambled eggs.
3. Carefully select snacksMost liked children boarding tasks while eating snacks. Because many tasks that must be obtained, it can be assumed that the snack that goes into the stomach too much.Choosing snacks are not just tasty and cheap, should be healthy. Healthy does not have to be expensive is not it? Instead of choosing a variety of chips that contain lots of salt, calories and oil, replace with skin baked beans are processed without salt.You can also choose the popcorn without salt and sugar caramel while doing their jobs.Whole-grain crackers or biscuits with dairy ingredients can also be your consumption as the intake of minerals and natural fiber.Instead of choosing soft drinks, choose yogurt, natural fruit juice, tea or mineral water.Surely it would be better if you choose fresh fruit as a snack, fruit salad or fruit soup for example.
4. Clean rooms with regularWant to be healthy? Then you must clean the dorm room with a regular even if you are away from the supervision of your parents.Do not let the clothes hanger filled with used clothing or even your bedroom floor full of used clothing.Immediately wash the dirty clothes because it could become mosquito breeding. And certainly frustrating if you run out of supplies because of unwashed underwear.Provide trash in the room to throw garbage into dry and discard it if it is already full landfills.If there is no maid, then you must clean the cabinet / desk from dust, sweep and mop the floor (you will be branded obscene if there is spillage of yogurt a week ago the former was left on the floor, yaiks).If your room neat and organized, you will be comfortable and healthy, and do not need splashy tidy your room when friends visit to learn together.
5. Sleep 6 to 8 hours per dayMany tasks? Had to stay up? Hmm ... These foods are also daily kos kids. In order not often stay up and pursue the task last night, stacking study schedule and tasks.This is the right time for you to be independent and take decisions by learning to manage the schedule every day. Do you always sleep until the crack of dawn every day, because your body will be more tired and vulnerable to stress.If there is a relaxed college, used to nap for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Napping powerful way to make your body more vibrant, if your body and your mind is primed, will certainly be easier to do the work.If you feel your body easily tired, often angry and often stress to headaches, try to find out your sleep routine and immediately fix before you actually collapsed.
6. SportNo time to exercise? From now make time for exercise. If not every day because the task is crazy, spend time on weekends.There is no money to come to the gym or the pool? Grab your sneakers, get a friend and immediately jogging or walking around your boarding complex.Take the time before sunrise during the 30 to 1 hour. So your body is tired during the week will come back refreshed. After exercise, you can shower and get ready to hang out with friends.Not hard, was it? Healthy lifestyle not only applies to those who already work or family.Allowing myself to start a healthy lifestyle can be started while you are away from their families and children boarding status. Children boarding must also healthy, right? (MPA / RRN)
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The existence Cafe, Disco or nightclub in the city of Yogyakarta has now scattered in several areas of the city. In the historical phenomenon of the metropolis lifestyle of students in Yogyakarta city began in the 1980s, the years around 1982 a public entertainment center (where Bilyard and disco) Crazy Horse is one of the famous disco in Yogyakarta at the time and became a symbol of the lifestyle of generations youth. In the 1990's Cafe-Cafe and restaurant became popular as a place to spend leisure time which describes the style and way of life of young people that modern Yogyakarta. Along with the presence of various modern facilities such that there is also a lifestyle change culprit. Students the image of Yogyakarta City is the average poor and come from the villages appear to have ceased to apply after entering the year 2000. The young student of Yogyakarta city lately been accustomed to a student who is familiar with Cafe metropolis, disco, Klup night, lovers klup motor car brand B and Type A. It's a lifestyle, and not infrequently they are the students dugemers frequent contact with excessive ria, hidonis, consumerism, consumerism, permissiveness, drinking, casual sex behavior, trap some one dared megunakan narcotics is all the opposite of the character of Yogyakarta The original, which is a university town known cultured. Picture like this is now a student hit the city of Yogyakarta, which is a new culture is controlled by capitalists with mengusuh Western or American style for the student city of Yogyakarta. Tampa conscious college students and adolescents in the city of Yogyakarta really enjoy and do not realize it.
The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of the lifestyle of students in the world of sparkling city of Yogyakarta, and with keseharianya, and what factors make a world of sparkling entertainment phenomenon received in the city of Yogyakarta, especially by students as pencintanya. This research is a field research (field research) which is qualitative by using descriptive method. To mermperoleh sufficient data, the author uses several other methods ie, methods Obervasi field, interview (interview), documentation, and data analysis.
From these results, showing that lifestyle is becoming a trend among college students in particular dugemers it, they are using the opportunity that is open during the stay in the city to access the glitzy world of entertainment. "Opportunity is used by students dugemers all layers in general, without taking into account able or not to follow the Life Style that comes from America. From the writer's observation to see that this student is a "victim student from impact of globalization and capitalism." Moreover, the conclusions of this penilitian Based on the understanding that "a permissive environment in the Discotheque" , (permissive). Following the American culture or the culture of the modern pop era turned out to be a pride for the city of Yogyakarta today's students are supported by the mass media in the era of globalization. Thus, the understanding and practice of religion tends to thin out due to the strong environmental Disco Cafe or creates style permissive life which impact on student self and social life. then in the participants' views can be said to figure clubbing Religion does not exist, in terms of when in the midst of the community around them boarding the Religious role, function and looks are on dugmers lakoni by students, but when to go where the glittering world of the role of religion in the person of a student is very small and does not act as a fort to guard him.Copyrights: Copyright à ° A ¿Â ½ 2009 by the Digital Library UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted by author in any medium, provided this notice is Preserved.
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