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The existence Cafe, Disco or nightclub in the city of Yogyakarta has now scattered in several areas of the city. In the historical phenomenon of the metropolis lifestyle of students in Yogyakarta city began in the 1980s, the years around 1982 a public entertainment center (where Bilyard and disco) Crazy Horse is one of the famous disco in Yogyakarta at the time and became a symbol of the lifestyle of generations youth. In the 1990's Cafe-Cafe and restaurant became popular as a place to spend leisure time which describes the style and way of life of young people that modern Yogyakarta. Along with the presence of various modern facilities such that there is also a lifestyle change culprit. Students the image of Yogyakarta City is the average poor and come from the villages appear to have ceased to apply after entering the year 2000. The young student of Yogyakarta city lately been accustomed to a student who is familiar with Cafe metropolis, disco, Klup night, lovers klup motor car brand B and Type A. It's a lifestyle, and not infrequently they are the students dugemers frequent contact with excessive ria, hidonis, consumerism, consumerism, permissiveness, drinking, casual sex behavior, trap some one dared megunakan narcotics is all the opposite of the character of Yogyakarta The original, which is a university town known cultured. Picture like this is now a student hit the city of Yogyakarta, which is a new culture is controlled by capitalists with mengusuh Western or American style for the student city of Yogyakarta. Tampa conscious college students and adolescents in the city of Yogyakarta really enjoy and do not realize it.
The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of the lifestyle of students in the world of sparkling city of Yogyakarta, and with keseharianya, and what factors make a world of sparkling entertainment phenomenon received in the city of Yogyakarta, especially by students as pencintanya. This research is a field research (field research) which is qualitative by using descriptive method. To mermperoleh sufficient data, the author uses several other methods ie, methods Obervasi field, interview (interview), documentation, and data analysis.
From these results, showing that lifestyle is becoming a trend among college students in particular dugemers it, they are using the opportunity that is open during the stay in the city to access the glitzy world of entertainment. "Opportunity is used by students dugemers all layers in general, without taking into account able or not to follow the Life Style that comes from America. From the writer's observation to see that this student is a "victim student from impact of globalization and capitalism." Moreover, the conclusions of this penilitian Based on the understanding that "a permissive environment in the Discotheque" , (permissive). Following the American culture or the culture of the modern pop era turned out to be a pride for the city of Yogyakarta today's students are supported by the mass media in the era of globalization. Thus, the understanding and practice of religion tends to thin out due to the strong environmental Disco Cafe or creates style permissive life which impact on student self and social life. then in the participants' views can be said to figure clubbing Religion does not exist, in terms of when in the midst of the community around them boarding the Religious role, function and looks are on dugmers lakoni by students, but when to go where the glittering world of the role of religion in the person of a student is very small and does not act as a fort to guard him.Copyrights: Copyright à ° A ¿Â ½ 2009 by the Digital Library UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted by author in any medium, provided this notice is Preserved.
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