Ahmadiyya Relations with Government
Jema'at Ahmadiyah Indonesia stood since 1925 and recognized the Government of the Republic of Indonesia cq Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia as a legal entity in 1953. It was stated in the ministerial decree dated 13 March 1953, the number JA.5/23/13 contained in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 dated March 31, 1953. This provision was amended by deed changes that have been announced in the State Gazette No. 3 of 1989, and the State Gazette No. 65 dated August 15, 1989. The recognition was reinforced by the statement of the Ministry of Religious Affairs was tangga111 March 1968 concerning the rights of life for all religious organizations in Indonesia that the Articles of Association and Rules The stairs have been formally authorized by the Minister of Justice as a legal entity. While the Lahore Ahmadiyya sect, as has been stated before, since 1929 has been incorporated.
However, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in the II National Congress held in Jakarta (26 Mei1 June 1980) has issued a fatwa which ruled that the teaching is jema'at outside Islam, misguided, and misleading. Until now, the Ahmadiyah Qadian flow still has not acknowledged its existence by the MUI. MUI attitude, according to the Indonesian Ahmadiyya Jema'at view, contrary to Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945 and other legislation and also with the speech and the direction of the President, Minister of Religious Affairs, and government officials.
Books IndonesiaAlasan ban Ahmadiyya Movement in it is deemed contrary to the Pan-Pancasila, especially the first precepts of Pancasila, which is "Belief in God Almighty." According to the Ahmadiyya, these precepts, in principle, emphasizing that a person or entity who believe in God the Almighty assured its survival in the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila does not determine whether the belief in one God is inside or outside of Islam, inside or outside Christianity, inside or outside the Buddha. All were included in the summary of the first precepts of Pancasila.
Meanwhile, the ban is considered contrary to the Constitution of 1945, for in article 29 paragraph 1 stated that "the State based upon belief in one supreme God" and in paragraph 2 also confirmed that "The State guarantees the independence of each resident for the me- hugged each of his religion and to worship according to religion and belief ". Ahmadis are also basing his opinion on the explanation of article 29 paragraph 2 that religious freedom is the most fundamental rights of human rights other.
At a time when Indonesia was under the government of President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), the situation has changed. One thing that is valued positively in the government of Gus Dur is a commitment to one's right to religion. He gave the opportunity openly to the religious previous yamg expressly prohibited. Djohan Effendi, Secretary of State government era Wahid and former Head of Research and Development Department of Religious Affairs, stated that President Abdurrahman Wahid is a pluralist, so he gives the climate is more open and democratic. In addition, Djohan also argued that the shape of one's understanding of the religion or the other can not be prohibited pemerintah.8 However, according to KH. Irfan Zidny-Chairman of the MUI Fatwa Commission of Jakarta, who also serves as caretaker for Research and Consultancy Institute of Islamic Sharia MUI - still hope for Indonesian Muslims wary of the flow int he also said, "In matters relating to worldly affairs, we can only work with their organization. After all, it is very well done, even with anyone. However, in a matter of theological Ahmadiyah Qadian we keep saying it violates Islamic teachings'?
While Dawam Rahardjo, director of the International Forum on Islamic Studies (IFIs) and one of the chairman of Muhammadiyah, it is argued that the teaching is a good example of religious organizations. The organization is well organized and independent. They take care of myself and bustle of political life, but it is not sensitive to the political. He further stated, "We should be working with this organization and have a great appreciation of him.
That's a little summary of a book called Ahmadiyya Movement in Indonesia, which was written by prof. Dr. Iskandar Zulkarnain which thoroughly explores how travel Ahmadiyah in Indonesia. Books that reveal the Ahmadiyya objectively as thought and movement in the context of overall development of Islamic movements in Indonesia. This book is not intended to support or reject the parties that the pros and cons, but to sit in proportion to the Ahmadiyya movement in thought and mind maps and the Islamic movement in Indonesia. Ahmadiyah became the talk is quite tough and eventually lead to rioting incident with the attack on the Ahmadiyah members Cikeusik, Pandeglang, Banten, February 6, 2011.Related Articles: